Out of the Silent Planet Blog #1

Blog #1. Out of the Silent Planet -chapters one and two

Each week I would like you to comment on the following themes. How do you see Lewis speaking through the story about these themes? Be specific.

Destiny- Who controls one’s destiny? I believe that you control your destiny, though sometimes outside forces shape our destiny just a little bit. Lewis speaks through the story about this because Ransom believes he controls his own destiny but then he gets kidnapped by Devine and Weston.
The value of life- How does Lewis show his opinion on this? He believes that human life is very valuable. He shows this by having Ransom, a total stranger, going to find this lost kid. Weston and Devine do not value individual life, only the human populace as a whole.
Spiritual Battles- How is the spiritual battle between good and evil shown?
Ransom is the nice guy who just wanted to get the kid back, and Devine and Weston are the bad guys because they kidnap Ransom.

How does Lewis have to compensate for the fact that the reader is unfamiliar with the setting of this story? He compensates by describing the characters a lot, and how they act.

For these chapters please answer the following questions in full sentences.

1. Why was the woman Ransom met so visibly upset?
Because her son that worked at a manor down the road was not home yet, and it was very late.

2. What was it about a walking tour that Ransom found so appealing?
He liked being away from everyone, and he liked not being able to be contacted, plus he just likes walking.

3. How did Devine react upon hearing that Ransom had no family to answer to and that no one knew where he was?
He proceeded to ask many specific questions about that, to make sure that no one would look for Ransom if he disappeared.

4. What does the discussion between Weston and Devine, while Ransom appears to be unconscious reveal about the character of the two men?
That they don’t value life like Ransom does, and also some of what they are going to do in the near future.

5. Read Philippians 2:3. Describe how the actions of Ransom, Devine, and Weston follow or conflict this command.
Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Devine and Weston totally contradict this verse because Devine has a rivalry going on with Ransom from their younger years, and Weston and Devine both consider themselves to be above other humans.

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